Get a Degree in Nursing or Healthcare at American Sentinel Online

American Sentinel can be a good fit for those of you who want to get an online degree in Nursing and Healthcare. According to the school’s website, the school has the capability to enhance your education as a healthcare professional through advanced critical thinking and also caters to students schedule through flexible hours.

Is American American Sentinel completely online? Yes, most of American Sentinel’s programs are online. The primary focus of American Sentinel is the healthcare industry. The school offers a wide variety of online degree programs in Nursing, including a doctorate in Nursing.

Along with different online degree programs, the school also offers an online certification program in Infection Prevention and Control. American Sentinel is also an accredited university. Proof of the authority which American Sentinel University has can be seen simply by what organizations have partnered with the school. Some of these partnerships are listed below.

  1. American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Administrators which is a nonprofit organization which has over 2600 member colleges, universities, and other higher educational institutions.
  2. American Association of Critical Care Nurses is a nonprofit organization dedicated to critical care nurses and the field of critical care nursing. The AACN is a very reliable resource for both acute and critical care nurses and for Nursing majors at American Sentinel University, who is a member.
  3. Society of Clinical Research Associates which is a nonprofit charitable organization which partners up with institutions of higher education that centralize in medicine. Since its incorporation in 1991, the organization has witnessed many changes in the medical field and has helped hospitals and universities grow in forming new medical professionals.
  4. American Association of Adult and Continuing Education which is a nonprofit organization who’s mission is to empower institutions to provide leadership to the faculty and administrators of colleges and universities in the United States.

What types of degrees does American Sentinel University offer? American Sentinel primarily offers degrees in Nursing and different other sectors in the Healthcare industry. When it comes to Nursing, the school boasts about a flexible online Nursing program which can earn you a BS in Nursing, an RN or an MS in Nursing. The Nursing program is affiliated with the AACN, which is mentioned above. This can be of great benefit to the nursing students with unique resources they would not get elsewhere.

What if I don’t want to go into Nursing or Healthcare? Well, though American Sentinel University is primarily aimed at Nursing and Healthcare majors, there are other online programs available.

Some of the other programs which are offered at American Sentinel University also offers an MSB in Business Intelligence. This program is too one hundred percent online and is in depth with all the minute details of Business Intelligence. Some of the key points covered in this program are listed below.

  1. Data analytics, which is the process of data mining to discover emerging trends. This can be useful in both the healthcare and business industries as it allows business professionals to mine data, take precision surveys to get accurate information and prepare future marketing strategies or how to combat competition.
  2. How to balance a scoreboard and read dashboards to learn key performance indicators which can help changing an organization into the right direction.
  3. Business performance which is vital in analyzing the performance of sales and employee productivity.

To find out more about American Sentinel University and all of its online programs which are available, simply click on

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