The Innovation of Business Education

It is very common for business professionals to face the dilemma between quitting their job to pursue a master’s degree and missing the opportunities of having a master’s degree for the sake of not interrupting your hard-earned career. Enrolling in a business graduate school is similar to enrolling in an undergraduate business school. It means that you might need to file a leave of absence or even resign from your work just to pursue your desired master’s degree. If you are lucky, your employer may sponsor your graduate study. It means that while you are studying for your masters, your employer will continue paying you. Furthermore, you are assured that once you completed your masters, you still have your job to go back with. If you are very lucky, your employer may be the one paying for your masters! Of course, otherwise, you face the dilemma.

Don’t worry! The internet offers unprecedented solutions to the usual problems. If you want to go beyond this dilemma – enrollment in online degrees provide the answers.

Online education is an innovation on providing education. As internet continually enhances international connectivity and speed of spread of information, traditional educational business models of schools, colleges, and universities are integrating the powers of internet. Online degrees, especially if provided by top-tier and credible educational institutions, should have the same quality and credibility of a traditional degree. The only difference between these two is that the former could be earned even though most of the time or even the entire time you never step in a classroom. From new and promising universities to centuries-old top-tier universities, online education is becoming a mainstream on educational business models.

Actually, many colleges and universities established a branch or division dedicated on the online education business model – their online university. If you heard the term ‘open university’, you must be familiar to the concept of online university. Online university is like a virtual university. The only physical are the administrative offices, the professors, and the graduation ceremony. Classrooms and the actual class sessions are virtually ‘virtual.’ Usually, the professors will conduct their lectures using webcam. It is like having a Skype conference with your professor. Interactions will be made through the webcam conference. Exams are given through online. Instead of writing or shading the correct answers, you will be asked to type and click the correct answers. For your thesis projects, collaborations are made in the webcam conference. Presentation will also be made online. On some cases, you will be asked to physically present your thesis presentation or take your major exam in the premises of the host university. At least, if you have a very busy job, going to the university for the presentation of your thesis or taking of the exam would not eat most of your time.

Quality is always an important requirement for every degrees. Hence, it is as important to online education. High quality online degrees are usually accredited by independent education accreditation body or provided by credible and top-tier colleges and universities. The same quality expected to the traditional education model is similar to the online university. Quality is crucial since the providers want your hard-earned online degree as credible as of traditional degrees to the eyes of your employer.

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